Page name: The Fallen Palace [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2012-03-29 09:00:42
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The Fallen Kingdom, The Fallen Kingdom-Characters, High King and Queen




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2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri gently rubbed her cheek and sighed. It was a little bruised, but getting better. She checked it out in the mirror and wrinkled her nose. A part of her wanted to take a dagger and shove it through his chest, the other part of her wanted to go into the forest and run. He'd never be able to find her there...Would he?

Jacob ran his tongue over his fangs in his boredom. He was leaning against a hallway wall, watching out a window across from him. He was told by Alucard to keep an eye on his bride to be, but she'd locked herself into her bed chamber, and that was one place he and all other men had been banned from entering. Sahiri was Alucard's little toy, and Jacob respected that.

Nykyrian looked down below him as he was a deer pass beneath him. He could shoot it down and take it to a starving family in the kingdom.. But if he did that for one, then he'd have to do it for others. He was good, but not that good. And plus, it would raise suspicion.

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: Alucard had himself squared away in a warm bath; soaking to be rid of the remnants of a day's work. Dirt and blood buried in the beds of his nails slowly hydrated and saw their way off of The King's body. His eyes were shut and his head rested against the back of the tub. Thoughts wandered from the up and coming wedding, to a short dream about his past. About his natural wife and the children he had... then it quickly flashed to the memory of the blood rage that led him to murder what he once loved. The dismemberment and death of the children stirred him from his little dream. Alucard's eyes open slowly, piercing into the wall before him as though they could ressurect his ex-wife so he could again murder her. This was something he experienced daily. The only person he ever confided in about this is his trusted High General.

Stephelia was locked up in a prison cell on the outskirts of the city. She was busy carving away on a femur from what looked like a human; her plan was to make a protection charm to hang on her door when she got out and went home. She looked up at the useless and stupid looking man that was standing guard outside of her cell and smirked. A plan started to form to get herself out of jail before the head guard came in

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri scowled at her reflection for a moment, as if it would have the answers she didn't. However, when nothing came to her mind she just decided to put more ointment on the bruise and leave the mirror. She had crossed the line when he smacked her, telling him that any woman who had ever loved him was a fool and the world should be relieved of their existence. Of course, she didn't know he had once had a wife he loved. But even without that knowledge, she knew she shouldn't have said that. Her father had taught her that no one was truly evil, that everyone had a past that made them who they were. She sighed at herself again and stood, arguing quietly with herself as she paced the room.

Jacob pushed off the wall and pressed an ear against the door. Sahiri was talking to herself, so she'd be busy for a while- at least that's what he figured from past experience. He'd once stood outside the door for four hours while she did this, so this time he wasn't going to be wasting his time. He walked down the hall and to scour the castle and the village for someone to sink his teeth into. 

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye kept her head down as she held a wicker basket full with Sahiri's clothes. She was wearing a pale lavender dress, her hair was up in a bun. She hated having her hair in her face. She glanced up when she saw Jacob, she lifted her and looked at him with sad, compassionate eyes. Then she turned and knocked on Sahiri's door gently.

Lady Yvette smirked as she got out of her carriage then her smirk turned to a pout when she noticed that no one was here to greet her."He's slipping."She muttered. She grabbed one of the stable boys."You will carry my bags to my room."She smiled with fangs. Her smiled grew bigger when the boy started to tremble and whimper. She let go of him and sighed and watched the poor boy take trunks off the carriage roof and back end. She grabbed another stable boy and ordered him to help the other boy.

Cale was hammering a sword he was making for the baker man down the street. 

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri glanced over to the door, "Come in." She said as she sat on the end of the bed.

Jacob grinned a bit when he saw her, walking up while she was distracted with the stable boys. "You've frightened away my lunch." He growled softly in her ear.

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye opened the door and smiled."My lady." She bowed then she closed the door. She put the basket of clothes on the bed and she started taking them out but she stopped when she saw another bruise on Sahiri's face."My lady...." She knelt in front of her and frowned.

Yvette turned around and smiled."Jacob, darling!" She hugged him."At least someone came to greet me. And how was I to know that those boys are your lunch? We could share, you know."

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: Alucard pulled himself from the tub and wrapped a robe around him damp body. He left his washroom to enter the large room he would eventually be sharing with sahiri. ~this wedding can't come fast enough... The quicker this is over with the quicker I can get back to focusing on more important tasks he glanced out of his window to see that Yvette had arrived. "I forgot she had even left..." Thus, the king dressed quickly to go greet the young woman

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri just smiled a little, "It's alright, honestly... It's going away already.."

Jacob smiled, "Because you're a woman. Women know everything." He smirked.

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "It's not okay, my lady. I am sick of seeing you with new bruises. He is a cruel man and you deserved so much better than him."Faye whispered.

Yvette raised an eyebrow as she pulled back from him."Not everything. Women know many things like seducing men, how to cheat and lie. But we don't know that skinny stable boys are are a man's food."She smirked."It's good to see you again. Did you miss me?" 

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: King Alucard walked through the trelace way, a bunch of indoor vine plants were thickly wrapped around the ached wooden posts that lined all main entry ways. As he approached the door leading near the stables, a servant threw the door open for him, to prevent him from slowing down and givin the young boy a beating. As the sun washed over him, a slight hint of pink could b seen in the iris of his eyes. Alucard had intentionally not fed in a while, to keep himself as docile as possible. He looks to his left and right, ultimately finding Yvette and Jacob talking amongst themselves on their way to the castle.

Stephelia finished her trinket and stood quietly behind the guard that was babysitting her. She Tucked the charm into the cup of the bra-like top she was wearing and slowly snaked her arm around the front of his waist. "there has to be something I can do to be let out a little early..." she grinned wide when the man turned to face her and accepted whatever offer she had in mind.

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette glanced over and saw Alucard. She smiled and waved at Alucard. Yvette thought of Alucard like an Uncle. She is very protective of Alucard and would die for him because he gave her the chance to be beautiful and young forever.

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri sighed, "But it has to be. The only thing keeping my people alive is the fact that I am going to marry him, and I will take whatever he can throw at me. I know that there are some preparing to get our city back... But we just can't, the numbers are too small, and they aren't trained... Alucard's army is bloodthirsty and well trained. We'd be slaughtered." She nodded her head a little, "So I'll take a few bruises."

Jacob chuckled a little, "Of course I missed you." He then looked around, "Unfortunately, not many in this city are good eating."

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye frowned."But it pains me to see you in pain, my lady. It pains us all."

Yvette looked back at Jacob."Is the dinning that bad? Good job I brought a nice snack for Alucard and you." She smiled. Yvette had bottled blood in one of her bags. The blood was from her ex husband who she tricked into marrying him a week ago then she killed him yesterday.

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: [oh angel!!! Lol]

He approached his comrads with a slight little smile; one hat said he knew that his young ward had just completed yet another dastardly deed. "you vanished to marry again, and return with nothing but tales for my advisor? Is that what it has come down to now?"

Stephelia walked out of the prison, smirking. She fixed the rouge around her lips as she looked back and heard a bit of an uproar coming from the doorway. She laughed and headed towards Kona, to her home in the forest

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette smiled as she looked at Alucard and she chuckled at his comment."Would I ever come home to my boys empty handed? I brought my husband's blood and his fortune."She smiled.

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